Augmented Reality



Click the AR image below to watch four amazing posters in augmented reality (AR) on your iPhone or iPad! You can choose to see them at home, in the office or even at the beach! These posters are made by ESP students and were presented in the online thesis conference!

It looks like you are viewing this from desktop. Are you? Please check in again from your iPhone or iPad (supporting AR) to watch the posters in Augmented Reality

Augmented RealitESP

European School of physiotherapy augmented reality posters

For the full experience please open AR in a new window

Simply make sure to have enough light and a clear surface (e.g. table in front of you) and click the image from iPhone or iPad (sorry, this AR scene does not work on Android)


If you are viewing this page on desktop or on an Android device, please enjoy these examples below to still get a nice impression of the posters in AR.

Adobe Aero

For an even more emersive experience, please try and install Adobe Aero (free) from the App Store (again iOS only, sorry)

Step 1: Download Adobe Aero

Step 2: Download .real file

Physiotherapy research projects

All posters in the augmented reality scene are created by ESP students and used with their permission. Feel free to view the posters in the traditional 2D format below to further explore their potential for the world of physiotherapy.

Your own AR-poster?

Feel free to contact us in case you are interested in having your own (research) posters in augmented reality. We have innovative students and lecturers that are always willing to assist and collaborate.