56 excited students from 20 different countries signed up for the European School of Physiotherapy and showed up this morning in Amsterdam for their very first day! We have captured their first week, day-by-day:
Day 1 – “Welcome to the European School of Physiotherapy”
Many had met online via our Facebook group and Summer Course Community already, but – as true physio’s- many still prefer to touch and like each other in real life. “Hi” and “Where are you from” are the most common words of the first morning, that started off with coffee and was captured through individual photos and the first group photo of ESP’s class of 2019! A short intro by Bas on the week and some technical advice After not getting lost in Amsterdam, either via public transport or – typically Dutch- by bike, we got together in Humphrey’s restaurant for a great dinner. We were not informed what happened afterwards…
“Overwhelming but amazing”
Day 2 – “Meeting your mentor”
Despite a slight headache, everyone showed up… You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, so meeting you fellow classmates and mentor is an exciting moment. This group division also led to the first stress episode for some students as they understood that the very first group project (presenting yourself in front of the whole group) was scheduled for two days later. After being introduced to our sweet librarian, Esther and our clinical reasoning expert, it was time for some relaxation with a nice drink and pizza at the most popular pizza place amongst ESP students.
Day 3 – “Getting active”
Bonding as a group!
You can only survive the intense program at ESP if you have a good computer with high-speed wifi. In the blended learning environment we have created, social contact and human touch are still preferred, but touchscreens and other modern tools as almost equally relevant. Therefore, the morning was used to setup everything from wifi, to email, to course material and Google Drive and student account activation. The rest of the morning was (finally) devoted to the content of our program. Bas highlighted the different semesters and clinical internships that are mandatory but also the extra-curricular activities – with the snow week video of last year as the promo for this year – that makes ESP unique! After this overload of information, it was finally time to blow off some steam at the sports field!
ESP is hard work!
Unfortunately, one of our students transformed into a patient with a dislocated shoulder within 10 minutes after the first whistle. While the rest of the group was either doing a Bulgarian bag workout by our famous exercise expert Floor (replaced by French rugby student Leandre) or bonding (and still sweating from the exercises before) as a group with group dynamics guru Jan-Jaap, the dislocated shoulder was brought back in place at the hospital and everyone could enjoy the wonderful BBQ that was organized and joined by many of our second (and higher) year students.
“Bulgarian bags, every day, from now on…”
Day 4 – “Attend and present”
Creative presentations!
In the morning, the students just needed to attend, while in the afternoon they had to present. The first clinical internship advice was given by coordinator Miriam and ESP alumni David and Jason explained the opportunities at FysioHolland for ESP students. Afterwards, as instructed, everyone presented themselves via quizzes that included chocolate prizes, songs, raps and a real ballet class or even philosophical messages about why physiotherapy is the best profession ever! A great afternoon with a group of motivated and creative students was the result and one of the reasons why ESP is unique!
Day 5 – “Last day, first patient!”
The very first patient was scheduled for Friday morning at the Polifysiek clinic of the AMC in our building, so that was really the ultimate test. If you survive also this stressful event, you must be fit to become an excellent ESP student and graduate in three years from now. The patient was very happy with you at the end and so were we.
“Intensive but fun…painful but rewarding”
Even though tired, group 13 showed their hidden talents and personality to the audience of fellow classmates, ESP faculty, staff and even some alumni that could not resist returning to home-base after some years. With the drinks at the end, the first official week at ESP of class 2019 was completed. Welcome to the ESP family!
Do you want to see more and check out all pictures taken during the entire week for a full impression?
Check out the complete photo album!
Happy faces!
Do you also want to join ESP and have a similar intro week in 2017? Check out our official site for all info on application and selection!