How it all started

During our own studies at the European School of Physiotherapy (ESP), we had to soak up a lot of content (special tests) from practical lessons and try to remember a lot in a short amount of time.

Congrats to Physiotutors for winning the ENPHE Thesis Award 2016! For the second year in a row, an ESP student project was voted as the #1 in Europe!


Official Physiotutors channel

Of course, a lot of what we covered gets lost after (or even worse before) the exam is done, but yet this content is very crucial and will come back over and over again. At last, you will have to hit the books again – mostly Magee in our case – in order to look up a special test in order to assess your patient’s complaint. The problem with this is that you will often find a written description of the test or, at best, one or two illustrations.

Our product will enable future students at the ESP and elsewhere in the world to enhance their learning experience.

In our opinion, practical knowledge or skills need to be taught in a more visual way – either in person or with the help of videos. So we decided to become assessment tutors when we were in our second year at the ESP in order to teach practical skills to the new students as well as refresh our own memories regarding our own skills. However, in life sessions, you will not explain content more than a couple of times until you have to move on to the next topic. So while we could retain most of the 1st year assessment content in our hippocampus by basically going through the 1st and partial 2nd semester again, most of our 1st year students would encounter the same problem like us back then as well.


So why not use visual media directly and look up a special test on Youtube? This is exactly what we did ourselves, and sometimes there are great videos, but unacceptable video quality or sound, great presentation, but lousy content, or videos that would only perform the test in 20 seconds without any explanation.

  • How credible is the content of a Youtube channel that posted one or two videos about physiotherapy?
  • How trustworthy is the content of a channel that has been updated one year ago for the last time?
  • How useful is a special test to you when you are not sure what signs or symptoms you are looking for?
  • What is a positive or negative test and what are its statistical values?

These are a handful of problems we encountered ourselves, which led us to the idea to start Physiotutors. While it started out as a nice little platform to sum up the content that we covered during our tutor classes, our goal is to solve the challenges that we mentioned above. Our vision is to create high-quality videos regarding content and presentation while we are aiming to provide our students with a platform of assessment videos that can guarantee them consistency. Therefore, we are always trying to include the latest scientific research (EBP) in our videos, as well as offer enough background information to our students without overloading them at the same time.

We are always trying to include the latest scientific research (EBP) in our videos

The future of Physiotutors?

We firmly believe, that our product will enable future students at the ESP and elsewhere in the world to enhance their learning experience, perform better in their assessment exams and ultimately be better physiotherapists. Our thesis part of the PAP exactly tackles this question as to if the current first and second-year students at the ESP feel they could improve their assessment skills with the use of our channel and if the students that used our service actually did better in their assessment exams.