Showcasing student projects
from past and future
Every ESP graduate leaves ESP with a successful Professional Assignment Project. These assignments consist of a thesis (literature review) that provide an answer to the research question and an innovative product. Are you a physiotherapist and interested in being the client for another generation of ESP students? Get inspired by our student products from the past and let us know if you want our students to create a product for you and your patients!
Intervention Programs
Customized exercise protocols for many patient categories have been developed. Based on the wishes of clients from Australia, Spain or Amsterdam, students have reviewed literature to find evidence for the most effective exercise for patients with ankle sprains, shoulder injuries, cancer or diabetes.
Assessment Tools
To find out the most effective assessment tools and special measurement tools, students have searched through thousands of articles and created overviews of diagnostic tests for a variety of patients and screening tools for special populations. A nice example a test battery for football players upon request of one the largest physiotherapy practice in the Netherlands, one of our preferred partners, FysioHolland.
“I am often impressed by the work of our students, although it’s a stressful project for them! As the PAP coordinator, I can help you – as client – to come up with a realistic project for our students so please email with with your ideas”
Not only for physiotherapy practices or patients, products are created. ESP also serves as an important client with many products that have been created especially for ESP, ESProducts. For the support of our skills courses and the development of our program, students have created beautiful online courses, websites, and other educational materials.
Top 5 according to students
The infamous Physiotutors are known all over the world for their extensive library of assessment videos and other great content!
#2 Arthrokinematics
A great resource with a variety of mobilization and manual techniques videos
#3 getptsmart
Clinical reasoning according to the HOAC can be studied by students through this platform, with cases and assignments.
#4 Cervical Spine
This ENPHE award winning product was created for students by students, to practice and learn more about cervical spine assessment.
#5 International PT requirements
For many ESP alumni, registration in a specific country can be eased with the information shared from alumni, by alumni. This website was created as a base for country-specific information.
Ideas for a project?
If you have an idea or an actual product already in mind. Please let us know and we can find students for your project!